Prices do not include tax, strings, parts, or materials.
One pickup $40
Two pickups $60
Three pickups $75
Rout and install pickup $80
Output jack repair $20
Potentiometer (pot) or mini switch - $25
Install mini switch including drill, mount, and wiring - $40
Les Paul 3-way Switchcraft $45
Fender 5-way $40
Fender 3-way $30
Rewire Solid body $100
Rewire Hollow-body $150
Electric Guitar/Bass
Refret including fret-wire and setup $325
Refret 7 string and up $350
Refret stainless including fret-wire and setup $350
Convert to fretless $350 (+ fret marker material)
Convert to fretless with finish $450
Refret stainless 7+ strings $450
Re-glue headstock $160+
Install new tuning machines - $100 + hardware
Pick-guard replacement - Estimate required
Prices do not include tax, strings, parts, or materials.
Clean & Restring ~ 6 string $40($60 Floyd Rose)
Clean & Restring ~ 12 string $80
Neck Work
Fret Level, Crown, and Polish includes setup
6 string or bass $150
6 string floating bridge $180
7 string or more $160
7 string or more with floating bridge $200
Nut replacement 6-8 $90
Nut replacement 12 string $100
Fret level, crown, and polish w/stainless steel frets $200
Acoustic Guitar/Bass
Refret (level, crown, polish, and setup) $350
Bridge re-glue $160
Replace bridge (pre-made) $160 + price of bridge
Custom bridge (including all material) $320
Bridge plate replacement $240
Install pickup $100
Install sound hole pickup $80
($100 if I need to drill for jack)
Re-glue binding - Starting at $100
Re-glue brace - $60 per side
Re-glue headstock - starting at $160
Re-glue headstock w/ cap, splines. finish work -$400
Pick guard replacement Estimate required